Sub-district VI of Praga (of Armia Krajowa)

The Sub-district VI of Praga (of Armia Krajowa) (Polish: Obwód VI Praga) - a territorial organisational unit of the District of Warsaw of Armia Krajowa. It covered the area of Praga of Warsaw, fought in conspiracy during the German occupation of Poland and openly during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.


Period of conspiracy

The sub-district VI of Praga of the then Związek Walki Zbrojnej was created in November 1939 and was commanded by lieutenant-colonel Szramka Gliszczyński pseudonym "Zawisza".

In 1941 the sub-district was divided into regions of training, tactics and organisational purposes. Five regions were created, equipped with their staffs and service units.

Since 24 July 1944 German motor infantry, artillery and tank units began to come in large number into Praga. On 1 August at 7:30 a.m. the commander of the sub-district received an order to start military action on 5:00 p.m. Special emphasis was put in it on barring the bridges on Wisła river. Because of late reception of the order, which in accordance with the assumptions ought to have been delivered 24 hours prior to the commencement of the fights, the mobilisation of forces and means of the sub-district was deficient. In connection with a large concentration of German forces in Praga as well as execrable state of armament of conspirators, which had become manifest during previous action stations, part of officers and soldiers of the sub-district put in question the use to take up fight in Praga.

Period of fights in the Warsaw Uprising 1944

At the hour "W" ca 40% soldiers out of the nominal number of the sub-district were mobilized. The weapon in possession until the uprising was by far insufficient and included:

Because of a shortage of weapon (often a failure to deliver it to places of assembly) and incomplete mobilisation, many units of the sub-district did not reach the state of fighting readiness.

On the second day of the uprising, several hundred insurgents continued their fight in several points of Praga. Because of an overwhelming German advantage, incomplete mobilisation of sub-district's forces and poor armament, fight in Praga went out after 3 days.

On 4 August the commander of the sub-district lieutenant-colonel Antoni Żurowski pseudonym "Bober", "Papież", with approval of the commander of the District of Warsaw (of Armia Krajowa), ordered to go back to conspiracy.

Some insurgents forced their way to Mokotów, Sadyba and Czerniaków. Two units were transferred to the Kampinos Forest.

See also
